To me, the GUI is a nice kick in the scrote to the Establishment, imo. Rock and roll/Dadaistic, rebellious. I think it's great. And this is before I've downloaded it, and judged the sounds. I feel very safe in my optimism on that count.
(5 / 5)
I love this synth! All Spacedad's VSTs have character to spare and this one's no exception. Yes, the GUI may not be to everyone's taste but just a few minutes of exploration will soon clarify exactly what does what, well, most of the time...
(5 / 5)
best vst ever dudes.
It's pretty good. Gives off horror vibes. Simiple..
(5 / 5)
Good lo-fi terror. Sounds exactly what it looks like, and you can use it to make decent sonic terror, or various dirty sounds and backgrounds.
(0 / 5)
The interface reflects pretty much the sounds it make. Absolute horror ! i don't like to bash other ppl work, but there.. what the hell !!
(5 / 5)
Actually not as bad as I was expecting, still useful for ambient backgrounds, solid basses and frippy chords/leads when stuck for an idea. Also it reminds me of my old radioshack diy - and this one has three oscs! Also it needs an effect or two to help wring out the grime if you use it seriously...