by Auburn Sounds
by Auburn Sounds
4.4 / 5
(7 votes)
LENS is a spectral dynamics processor with unbelievable punch and clarity.
- Multi-band compression without cross-over phase shifts.
- EQ with constant phase without ringing.
- Up to 64 companders, all working together on a stereo signal.
- Simultaneous control of sidechain EQ and output EQ.
- Removing information that is masked by nearby components.
- Clean "Over The Top" multiband upwards compression.
(5 / 5)
This is very good.
(5 / 5)
Adds a lot of clarity and glue to a mix, think Gullfoss or Teote with a push and pull EQ.
(5 / 5)
Absolute delight to have this for free.
(5 / 5)
Cool, so interesting, sounds great
(5 / 5)
Another Grest Plugin into my arsenal... I love how he works at the top of the spectrum .... Thanks for Linux vrs.....
(1 / 5)
Both vst2 and vst3 crashes Reaper. I am using the latest version on Windows 7.
You probably have a processor without SSSE3? Please download the latest version, and amend your comment...
I don't think it's possible to edit your comments here, unfortunately. There's also way too many who don't read the system requirements before installing plug-ins and then bash the plug-in/developer for their own ineptness. You shouldn't rate the plug-in at all if you can't try it. This is why you can't rate/review products on internet shops if you haven't bought the product. Some people haven't understood this.
Devs often don't tell you the system requirements, especially here on Plugins4free.
It's annoying, we released a version that only requires SSE3 one week after release, so that people with a 2008 computer can run this.
Ist bestimmt ein gutes Gerät. Ich kann mir nicht so richtig etwas unter den kurzen Beschreibungen vorstellen. Ein Video mit weiteren kompakten Erklärungen und Klang-Demontrationen wäre sehr hilfreich! Ich hoffe, das Plugin ist keine "exe" und ein "owner's manual" sind beim Download dabei. Liebe Grüße und vielen Dank.
It is an exe. Lots of info on makers page when you click the link.
Das Plugin ist für den Masterbus, also zu Mixdown (Mastern) usw. gut geeignet. Es ist eine exe. Datei. Habe das Plugin getestet und nur der Expander geht in der free Version nicht, sonst - gutes Teil. Auburn Sounds habe ich schon öfter verwendet und die Qualität ist immer mehr als gut ! Läuft in Samplitude X4 pro,Cubase 12 und Mixbus C 32 sowie Cakewalk by Bandlab.
Danke, thanks.