4.9 / 5     (8 votes)
Win64 OSX
ReLife is a dynamic enhancer that simply gives second life to your lifeless tracks with ReLife! Easy to use and instant result!
  • INPUT : Gain compensated input knob will help you find sweet spot of your life. You can get softer or harder results with input.
  • SHAPE : Pre-defined EQ will shape your sound with carefully selected dynamic bands.
  • LIFE : It will let you give life to your tracks. Even higher settings won't destroy your material until you combine it with INPUT knob.
  • MIX : Blends you processed and dry signal.
  • OUTPUT : Clean output to set final level.
  • ANALOG OBSESSION : Will engage oversampling.
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Pupfaced Apr 01 2023
(5 / 5)
Apr 01 2023
This plugin is amazing. The shape knob can be a lot on the master bus, but I like to use it on individual busses too to shape eq, and then use the life knob heavier on the master.
Grannitus Aug 13 2022
(5 / 5)
Aug 13 2022
Erste Klasse Frau Eberhofer - macht den Sound im Master Bus Perfekt
Maxe Nov 12 2021
(5 / 5)
Nov 12 2021
This plugin is one of the best I've ever tried. Even the others are really good.
N/A Nov 11 2021
(5 / 5)
Nov 11 2021
This plugin is so good it almost feels like cheating. Threw it on my drum bus and cleaned up the entire mix in 30 seconds.
Ambedo Nov 12 2021
Nov 12 2021
Yeah I have been messing with it and also found that it has had best results on drum bus
Max Nov 11 2021
Nov 11 2021
Sehr gutes Plugin. Funktioniert problemlos in Reaper und verbessert den Sound. Die Tracks klingen viel transparenter und ´´muffige´´ Sounds klingen auf einmal viel luftiger und leben wieder ....
Арнольд Nov 09 2021
(5 / 5)
Nov 09 2021
Какие то незначительные частотные изменения в звуке есть в лучшую сторону!
Josef Stalin Dec 07 2021
Dec 07 2021
Эквалайзер - дрянь. Сатурашка интересная, но даже с включенным оверсэмплингом алиасит заметно даже в высоких сэмплрейтах, что пиздец в 2021 году. И до настоящей сатурации аналогового оборудования ему как до Киева в срачке.