by DSK
1.4 / 5     (9 votes)
  • 4 Osc, 5 waveforms, ADSR, pan (+ routing).
  • Octave select and micro-detuner.
  • 4 Filter.
  • 3 advanced LFO (+ routing + 4 user memory slots).
  •  Fx (4 delay).
  •  Midi automation.
  • Preset selector.
Please support freeware development
John Feb 19 2020
(4 / 5)
Feb 19 2020
It sounds Good.
faderlikesit Apr 03 2010
(0 / 5)
Apr 03 2010
Nah, I'll stick with the real THOR, the one that comes with REASON 4.0. That one's got balls and easy to work with. If you want Thunder, this Thor ain't gonna give it to ya!
DrizzyB Sep 16 2023
Sep 16 2023
Lol, this comment made me laugh. Thx for the warning, even if it may be over a decade old
Marc Jan 04 2010
(2 / 5)
Jan 04 2010
Pretty hard to make music with this. Still worth a try :/. Jul 10 2022
Jul 10 2022
Challange accepted Mark.
Marc Nov 26 2022
Nov 26 2022
Yes, I came back 12 years later. And I can fly across half the world to give you these hands if you want.
DrizzyB Sep 16 2023
Sep 16 2023