Ethereal Padz
by DSK
4.4 / 5     (16 votes)
DSK Ethereal Padz, Pads Sound Module.
  • 3 Layers with 111 Pads sounds
  • ADSR, Fine Tuning and Pan control.
  • 3 advanced filters.
  • 3 LFO routing to Cut, Pan, Level and Pitch.
  • Chorus effect.
  • Reverb effect.
  • Velocity response.
  • Midi automation.
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heavenly2k Apr 09 2022
(4 / 5)
Apr 09 2022
This is one of them VST's I always come back to. Solid dreamy sounds, especially if you add your own flare.
Daniel Aug 30 2019
(5 / 5)
Aug 30 2019
This one and Serenity are the best pads
adfd Jul 11 2019
(5 / 5)
Jul 11 2019
Just so you know, you can run this on a modern computer, but you will have to use Renoise or openMPT or something like that cos they prob come with a built-in 32 to 64 bridge, MPT def does, idk about Renoise.
James Feb 02 2019
Feb 02 2019
This VST is not compatible with modern computer specs. Don't download unless you have a ten year old build.
Mulgoji Apr 09 2018
Apr 09 2018
Simply amazing! It's a must for any trance producer. (sorry, that was kinda lame)
EpicKWJ Oct 17 2015
Oct 17 2015
Unstable in Cubase 8 Win 7 Pro 64. Constantly causes VSTBridge.exe faults. Did sound good for the few seconds it would work, though.
Anonymous Feb 04 2012
(0 / 5)
Feb 04 2012
Crashing very often under LMMS Windows XP64.
emid Nov 18 2011
(5 / 5)
Nov 18 2011
Under-rated.... Good sounds give you creativity.... Look no further if you are into it... Use it with orchestral sound and see... May be layer it... Angelic voice is the opening sound and you will love it... 10/5
frenchy Nov 14 2010
(5 / 5)
Nov 14 2010
Another great collection of beautiful sounds. I love this one. Like all many other DSK-synths this one is class too!
Reiichi Aug 31 2010
(5 / 5)
Aug 31 2010
I love this one. You can get lots of nice atmospheric sounds out of it, particularly if you play with the layers a bit.
Ghekorg7 Apr 22 2010
(5 / 5)
Apr 22 2010
Awsome pads to keep you solid !