3.7 / 5     (3 votes)
Win64 OSX
TuPRE is a tube line amp with custom passive program equalizer.

Fully custom design. Simple but really effective for any source.
  • 45 dB line amp (virtually compensated gain).
  • Two band - fixed frequency program equalizer. Fully passive design. Virtually compensated. No active gain stage after eq section to keep it clean.
  • 100 Hz low shelf & 10 kHz high shelf (broad) with 10dB boost and cut.
  • Clean output knob.
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AKAN Nov 18 2023
(2 / 5)
Nov 18 2023
Adds odd harmonics ~nothing special
John Burns Aug 08 2021
(4 / 5)
Aug 08 2021
Not hugely impressed. Seems a bit erratic. Sometimes it's dull, sometimes harsh. Doesn't generally add much "Vibe" either way. What I will say is it's good for adding saturation to dynamic sources. If you stick a solid state preamp emulator on a vocal you might find that the loud parts of the vocal are super distorted and the softer parts are super clean. This sounds like it's doing a decent job of softly saturating the whole dynamic range in a characteristically tubey manner. So try it on vocals but it might be a bit uninspiring on electronic sources which don't have much dynamic range anyway. CPU usage is surprisingly modest.
Ryan Feb 22 2021
(5 / 5)
Feb 22 2021
Fantastic VST!!!