4.9 / 5     (11 votes)
Win64 OSX
NCAR is a 8 Stereo I/O summing mixer plugin.

Strip Functions:
  • Preamp.
  • 3 Band Fixed Equalizer ( 110Hz - 1.6kHz - 10kHz).
  • Output.
  • VU Meter (L+R Sum).
  • Editable Track Name Entry.
  • Bypass.
  • Channel Mute.
Master Functions:
  • Output.
  • VU Meter.
  • Editable Track Name Entry (L/R).
Routing Steps (SUM mode):
  • Put NCAR to Bus channel.
  • Send your individual tracks or bus tracks to NCAR track.
  • Select input channels which you want to use (See track explanation).
  • Now, you are able to hear 8 Stereo Inputs from NCAR's 1 Stereo Out.
Routing Steps (IND mode):
  • Put NCAR to Bus channel.
  • Send your individual tracks or bus tracks to NCAR track.
  • Select input channels which you want to use (See track explanation).
  • Send NCAR's outputs to new or existing tracks.
  • Now, you are able to hear each channel's outputs from routed tracks.

Track Explanation SUM mode:

  • Track 1 : Input 1-2
  • Track 2 : Input 3-4
  • Track 3 : Input 5-6
  • Track 4 : Input 7-8
  • Track 5 : Input 9-10
  • Track 6 : Input 11-12
  • Track 7 : Input 13-14
  • Track 8 : Input 15-16
  • Track 1 : Output 1-2

Track Explanation IND mode:

  • Track 1 : Input 1-2
  • Track 2 : Input 3-4
  • Track 3 : Input 5-6
  • Track 4 : Input 7-8
  • Track 5 : Input 9-10
  • Track 6 : Input 11-12
  • Track 7 : Input 13-14
  • Track 8 : Input 15-16
  • Track 1 : Output 1-2
  • Track 2 : Output 3-4
  • Track 3 : Output 5-6
  • Track 4 : Output 7-8
  • Track 5 : Output 9-10
  • Track 6 : Output 11-12
  • Track 7 : Output 13-14
  • Track 8 : Output 15-16
Please support freeware development
Sven Mar 30 2024
(5 / 5)
Mar 30 2024
This Plugin is by far the best summing mixer for free. If you understand routing and usage it's an absolute game changer for your mix. I use it in on every bus and send the busses to a NCAR in the master bus. Results are amazing. Your nix become glue, depth, space and warmth. The filters are also very helpful. Unfortunately this plugin is no more supported from Analog Obsession.
Anonymous Aug 14 2023
(5 / 5)
Aug 14 2023
Wow... this saved my mix. Excellent stuff
Serendipity Records Apr 08 2023
(5 / 5)
Apr 08 2023
Please add a panner to this! Otherwise, 100% awesome Analog Obsession
Marcelo Garzon Feb 28 2022
Feb 28 2022
For some reason Cakewalk does not recognize channel number 1! :(
jared Sep 01 2021
(5 / 5)
Sep 01 2021
I put this in my master channel and it just really gives it extra. I actually like this more than the LA esquire limiter and the j37 abbey road and everything else I was using like limiter no6, this is simple and just makes stuff sound better.
g rees Sep 14 2020
(5 / 5)
Sep 14 2020
Can't get it in that patcher but cool amp at least, thanks .
Wing Yee Apr 16 2020
Apr 16 2020
NCAR works best in a Modular App such as Minihost Modular or Element. In Element, the following I/O configurations are available: Mono, Stereo, LCR, Quadraphonic, Surround (5.0, 5.1, 7.0, 7.1), Discrete #9-#16 (#16 = I/O x8). But it would be nice to have a Channel PAN knob.
gwenmollo Apr 07 2020
(5 / 5)
Apr 07 2020
Very good, but I can't use multi input on a bus on Studio One... but thanks :)
Shady Apr 08 2020
Apr 08 2020
Try NCARSE (Single Edition) from the developer's site.
Госконтроль Apr 07 2020
Apr 07 2020
И что в нём хорошего? - На трэк можно плагины подвесить?
1.1.2029 Apr 07 2020
(5 / 5)
Apr 07 2020
Excellent excellent excellent. Got a couple of expensive retro summing mixer plugins and this one is every bit as good. Thank you very much!
DeeJay Apr 07 2020
(4 / 5)
Apr 07 2020
All your plugins are superb... My only concern is that it takes more CPU (I mean all your plugins except few).. sound quality wise they are as gud as any commercial plugins out there...
Anonymous Apr 07 2020
(5 / 5)
Apr 07 2020
Thanks for all your beautiful plugins! This is another big work.... (PS: why only this is vst and not vst3?) Thanks again...
Shady Apr 08 2020
Apr 08 2020
“No VST3 or AU because of their input & output limitations.” - https://www.patreon.com/posts/ncar-35428355
ALEX Apr 07 2020
(5 / 5)
Apr 07 2020
imstre Apr 07 2020
(5 / 5)
Apr 07 2020
Good work. Thank you!