by beatassist.eu
by beatassist.eu
2.5 / 5
(2 votes)
Drag is a 4 oscillators polyphonic synthesizer designed for GOA/PSY leads.
- 4 Oscillators.
- Gator.
- 4 Delays.
- 4 LFOs.
- Master Chorus.
- Master Reverb.
- Master Octave Stepper.
ATTENTION: you might need to install "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015/2017 Redistributable" .
Win 32 VST
(3.7 Mb)
Win 64 VST
(5.6 Mb)
(0 / 5)
I'm sorry, I try to be fair. I was able to load it on Reaper. But it's too clunky to change presets, and they don't sound well enough to go through the trouble.
The synth locks up. But does not lock up my DAW. LMMS. I have the C++ already installed.
(5 / 5)