by Quantum-Music
by Quantum-Music
3.3 / 5
(3 votes)
QuantumVerb is a convolution reverb.
Win 64 VST
(12.6 Mb)
(3 / 5)
Неужели в наш век технологий нельзя нарисовать нормальную "морду" плагинам? Я поражаюсь, ведь это немало важно, как "Опрятность" плагина...
(5 / 5)
I was looking for a free 64bit convolution reverb without(!) any registration or installation problems ("Convolution XT" or "Melda") and I really found it here! I´m completely happy with this plugin for my beloved free IR-collection because it´s really easy to load extern IRs. It´s also possible to tune the loaded IRs with some basic paramaters (e.g. predelay an high/low cut). I works stable and in my case the CPU-load is not low but absolutely ok at all. For an ocassional use this is a cool useful freebee. Thx!
I like the effect though!!! (As far as I can hear)
(2 / 5)
This is a heavy one... My computer can usually take almost everything, but with this plugin everything is lagging and the latency sucks