Rolend Cronus is a Roland Gaia emulation.
This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming to sound accurate to the hardware synth. No presets.
This emulation is inspired by the real unit circuits but is not aiming to sound accurate to the hardware synth. No presets.
Win 32 VST
(2 Mb)
(2 / 5)
The job is not ended. If it's done with Synthedit, it is easy to add midiCC to make it remotable.
(1 / 5)
Not working properly. Bland sound (ok the original is not sounding great either). Does'nt record my patches. Only the first patch works. No MIDI learn.
(5 / 5)
So much potential for future sound design, especially for atmospheric pads, sci-fi effects and intergalictic leads and textures and more, limited only to ones imagination! =)
(5 / 5)
Have a good sound for subbass and leads.