by Saschart
4.5 / 5     (6 votes)
Win32 Win64
Pan Delay is a panning delay effect.

It can position anywhere from left to right, smooth rate changing. Extremly low on resources.
  • Delay can play on left side or right side.
  • Smooth transition when changing rate with no crackles, rattles or distortion.
  • Stereo enhanced if delay is positioned opposed from the initial sound.
  • Rich rates: triplet and dotted.
Please support freeware development
JT3 Production May 15 2020
May 15 2020
For Years I've been trying to acquire quote on Quote "Studio Sound" okay so real quick Great job with this Pan Delay plugin Wonderful! Wonderful!. Yes! For years I've been trying to accomplish " Studio Quality" sound 1.Equalization 2. Compression. 3. flangers. 4 Phasers. 5.Automation yet still something was missing after all of that. My tracks still had too much of that stereo feel. Well then there was this plugin panDelay. Thank You So Much to the Developers on this 1 and Also to this website Also special Thanks to everyone who leaves reviews as well I believe comments help the artist and developers as well update on what could be improved and inspire others to come up with a new plugin as well. Thank You Thank You. Okay that's my rant for the Year.
JC Sept 09 2018
(5 / 5)
Sept 09 2018
64 bit Version did not work for me but x86 did. Great plugin.
Vlyrch Sept 08 2018
(5 / 5)
Sept 08 2018
I've been getting more into experimentation with panning lately, so I'm really glad I found this! The fact that it uses barely any CPU is vital. The only drawback is that it affects all echoes rather than individual ones, but I can also see that as a positive quality in just as many contexts so I'm still giving it five stars.
Cool! Aug 13 2016
(5 / 5)
Aug 13 2016
Another very cool effect!