3.3 / 5     (3 votes)
Shruti is a virtual shruti box.
  • No Samples used.
  • Classic key switches to enable reed note selection.
  • 2 Shutri sound sections.
  • 3 Tone controls for altering frequency and harmonic modulation.
  • Octave control.
  • Tone Q level.
  • Attack and Decay controls.
  • Bellow effect section with Speed, Strength and Host sync controls.
  • Midi Learn.
Please support freeware development
Johnathan Jan 24 2020
(0 / 5)
Jan 24 2020
Dreadful. Can't believe this is highest rated. Barely works, always plays the same key regardless of key pressed, just sounds like a dissonant saw wave. Pointless.
Saravanan Seetharaman May 21 2020
May 21 2020
This is a sruthi box. What else do you expect
ckrma Feb 27 2022
Feb 27 2022
uh.. you didn't really know what you were getting into did you