4.6 / 5     (5 votes)
Whistler produces its sound by sending random noise through resonating bandpass filters.

The notes you play control the filter’s cutoff freqency. Whistler features overdrive-style distortion, tempo-synced echo and 8-bit style retro noise mode.
natnael Sep 19 2023
Sep 19 2023
What a really nice plugin
Adilk Apr 09 2021
(4 / 5)
Apr 09 2021
No one mesto in every song!
ShadowKing Jul 11 2019
Jul 11 2019
Does this produce whistling sounds or is it just named Whistler?
Your Local Anon Mar 10 2016
(5 / 5)
Mar 10 2016
Beautiful synth along with all of Contralogic's works. Would recommend to anyone without the money to pay for $100+ synths.