by Noisebud
3.5 / 5     (6 votes)
Smile is a Fletcher-Munson De-Harsher.

It is a spin-off product from our plugin Fletchy-Muncher. We continue to experiment how we can gain from the knowledge of the human ears frequency response. Smile add the Fletcher-Munson curve to de-harsh your mix/master but leave crucial transients alone.

There's a free and a donate version. The donate version has Mid/Side abilities.
Please support freeware development
Mark Johnson Apr 15 2022
(4 / 5)
Apr 15 2022
Pretty solid plugin!
Barry Sept 12 2016
(0 / 5)
Sept 12 2016
It's a placebo as far as I can tell. It does look pretty though, the transient indicator pops to the drum, the buttons light up when you click them, and the knob moves. In comparison, the Terry West does actually make a noticeable difference.
ksavHOMErecs Feb 04 2016
(5 / 5)
Feb 04 2016
Company posted new EQ and COMP on their site. both plugs ROCK! thanks again for cool soundong sound toys. <3 *****
ksavHOMErecs Sept 26 2015
(5 / 5)
Sept 26 2015
Sweet toy. tnx 4 making + tnx 4 sharing. more plugs please :) esp reverb and mastering limiter :) tnx again.
Jack Jun 08 2015
(4 / 5)
Jun 08 2015
It`s awesome, compared with Terry West deharsher, well, they are pretty different, but to have some features (e.g. midside) you need to purchase a full version of Fletcher-Munson De-Harsher.