by Wire Grind
5.0 / 5     (6 votes)
Win32 Win64
Doffset is a DC offset correction plug-in.

The plug-in operates in 3 different modes:
  • Super low: has the most bass and the slowest response time.
  • Bass drop: has an intermediate amount of bass and an intermediate response time.
  • Guitar: has the least bass and the fastest response time.
sebastien Aug 06 2019
(5 / 5)
Aug 06 2019
Perfect dc remover
Lugia Jan 07 2019
(5 / 5)
Jan 07 2019
A simple solution, done right. Totally transparent offset correction.
Psyence Dec 17 2018
Dec 17 2018
What does it do exactly?
aBlueFire Jul 16 2021
Jul 16 2021
Removes that super low-pitched sound that sucks.
GIGAWATT Nov 29 2017
(5 / 5)
Nov 29 2017
Fixed my electric guitar tracks right up. Awesome.
Happy Kafka Crisis Nov 18 2017
(5 / 5)
Nov 18 2017