AradazAmp Crunch is a guitar amp simulator.
Win 32 VST
(0.4 Mb)
Good amp, but modeled after what? maybe JC-120? my view it sounds very similar to a Marshall JCM800.
(5 / 5)
There are so many good free amp- sims, if you´re looking for ultra- highgain- sounds, but just a few ones for crunch till "threequarter"- overdrive. I think this plugin can really make this job! My suggestion -> In front: The TSE 808 pedal(no/ less drive but full volume)/ Second: This amp- sim plugin with speaker- switch "off"(!)/ And at last: An impulsloader plugin (e. g. "NadIR" or "KeFIR") with a more bright sounding impulse- response (there many free IRs like the "GuitarHack" or "Carthasis" - collection). With this - or a similar - chain, you can make a decent crunch sound for punkrock or 70s- style guitars.
(5 / 5)
Really nice sound, perfect for punk or classic rock. Very pleased.
(4 / 5)
É uma ótima opç�o para sons mais graves e pesados.
It's Sweet!!