by Krakli
3.8 / 5     (11 votes)
This spectral synth is gifted at dark textures and sounds with plenty of movement.

Take the time to become accustomed to its unusual interface and you will have a real beast on your hands.
Please support freeware development
mnrv-ovrf-year-c Jul 17 2022
Jul 17 2022
Use it for the presets. When I first tried to use this on a WinXP laptop more than ten years back, the CPU shot right up at idle, right after loading and on the first preset. It was going to be even harder to use because *all audio effects are in mono* and ignored MIDI velocity. However none of this author's, in fact very few other synths could do vocal pads better.
mnrv-ovrf-year-c Jul 26 2022
Jul 26 2022
A short time before this post I used this plug-in. Program: OpenMPT v1.30.05 32-bit legacy. OS: Void GNU/Linux 64-bit and Wine v7.12. Rendered to wave a 2-note chord with some filter and "wave" modulation, and with stereo reverb (sorry the other audio effects are mono though) enabled. Does *not* render offline, sometimes does a very loud pop at the beginning. It does stick up a lot of CPU though. Keep it for Windows only.
San Feb 14 2021
(4 / 5)
Feb 14 2021
I've encountered a similar issue like Alan described below. The plugin worked fine on first run and then ceased to output any sound after loading the project again. I'm using Reaper and got it working now on all occasions by disabling 'Hard reset on playback start' for the plugin in the FX browser.
Anonymous Jun 10 2020
Jun 10 2020
I'm not getting any sounds from it (FL 12), anyone got any tips?
Alan Jan 25 2019
(1 / 5)
Jan 25 2019
Sounds not bad but makes crackings and crashes Cubase 5. It worked good, I've load project and have problems.
Max Mar 21 2018
(5 / 5)
Mar 21 2018
Great, versatile synth, but there does not seem to be much information available on how exactly to control its sound (no manual). Sixteen sets of red and green 'Wave Controller' sliders allow to stack sine waves of defined frequencies, as typical for an additive synth. The frequency range is determined by the OCTAVE slider above the oscilloscope. Each set of one red and one green slider controls a specific harmonic frequency. Set 1 is for the fundamental. Sets 2, 4, 9(!) and 16 are +1, +2, +3 and +4 octaves, other frequencies in between. Set 8 is somewhat strange as it is two semitones higher than set 9 (not clear whether this was intended). Red and green sliders are affected differently by the settings in the WAV ENV section. The AMOUNT knob is a master for the contribution of red and green sliders to the sound: The higher its value is, the more red shapes the sound (replacing green), the lower its value, the more green dominates, allowing for intricate morphs. The sliders of the WAV ENV ADSR section set the contribution envelope of red: A higher setting of the S-slider yields more weight of red. Settings of A, D and R-sliders shape the time course of red. The relative contributions of red and green can also be modulated by the LFO, and the LFO WAV slider sets the respective LFO amplitude for this. In the FILTER section, C1 appears to be the cutoff of a lowpass filter on the source sound, while C2/SHIFT1 and C3/SHIFT2 mostly control cutoff and amplitude of filter resonances (when RES slider is up). The LFO FLT slider controls the entire FILTER section. The rest of the synth are standard controls for AMP envelope, chorus, phaser, delay, reverb and vibrato.
Codesound Jul 08 2017
(5 / 5)
Jul 08 2017
Thanks a lot for this .... Many Thanks!!! 5/5 STARS
iwan Oct 03 2015
Oct 03 2015
Good and nice VST. I Like it. So awesome.
TJ Feb 26 2015
(5 / 5)
Feb 26 2015
Nobody Jul 27 2014
(5 / 5)
Jul 27 2014
Rare pops and clicks could be an issue in some cases, but I've never seen anything like it, free or paid, so it's a must have anyway.
Anonymous Nov 04 2013
(5 / 5)
Nov 04 2013
One of the coolest VSTs I've ever come across!