by TD
4.6 / 5     (11 votes)
HYDi can only be described as one thing - Quirky.

Based on a simple 3xOsc subtractive synth workflow, but with some twists. She has two voices - but is not duophonic, and should be played like a monosynth. She's built on a Don Buchla inspired philosophy - 'Uniqueness above all else'. Built with more heart than technology.
  • Generator 1 & 2 : 19x Different waveshapes/processes.
  • x-parameter: PW, Morph, Destable, etc. (when available).
  • Generator 3 : Sub-divided into 3 Categories:
  • Auxiliary : 11x extra waveshapes.
  • Noize : 7x types.
  • Sub-generator : 5x waveshapes.
  • X-Mix Moulation, Ring Modulation, FSS (Frequency Shifted Sub-generator).
  • Click Generator.
  • 2x LFO: 9x shapes. AM & FM.
  • 4x Envelopes: Different shapes, Reset to Zero option.
  • DCF - 15 types:(zero-delay-feedback/TPT), Single and Dual types available, dual modes are independently modulateable.
  • 4(x4) Sequencer.
  • 3x Effects slots - 16x effects in total:
  • MFX - Micro Effects:
  • Compressor F1, Panda(auto-panner), FSU2, Gremlin(auto-formant), Three Band Resonator.
  • DCE 1 & DCE 2:
  • Alfa, Chorus, Dual BPM Delay, Dual Shifter, Digital Hell, Theta Flanger, Polar Phaser, SSB Frequency Shifter, Early Reflections Generator, Modulation Reverb, Zero Modulation Reverb, Transgate.
mnrv-ovrf-year-c Jul 21 2022
Jul 21 2022
If you desire to use this on 64-bit Wine, get ready to be disappointed. On OpenMPT it just won't show the GUI consistently. It could render improperly or it could even cause the app to hang. Must install 32-bit OpenMPT just for it. I tried only on Void Linux and Wine v7.12 but it might not be different on eg. Ubuntu Studio. I like the idea of the sequencer but it's a bit too limited. This seems to have many features but there's nothing spectacular about it. It's only the difference between a full bank of presets and only sixteen of them filled in.
leptonquark Nov 16 2021
(5 / 5)
Nov 16 2021
Cannot recommend this highly enough, out performs a lot of 'pro-synths' really hope this dev can create some others but if not, thankyou for this awesome synth!
Andew Jun 02 2021
(5 / 5)
Jun 02 2021
A quality synth! It has bit of a learning curve but once you master it, its pure gold! Thank you!
Evin Chlarx May 23 2016
(5 / 5)
May 23 2016
I love it. It's just nearly like massiv, with it's own sound. A liitle bit complicated, but therefor I have the randomize Button in Fl Studio. And these Sound are awesome. Gonna be my main vst. A user guide would be nice ;)
Cajhmere May 06 2016
(5 / 5)
May 06 2016
HYDi is a really really good synth. It's one of the synths I feel forced to experiment with it and I love the GUI. It looks a little bit overloaded at 1st view maybe, but when you start to work with it, you'll notice that the GUI is really well designed.
Rohit Narvekar Feb 10 2016
Feb 10 2016
hw to install d plugin ? it showing only 3 files in d zip file. hydiv1.3 manual, hydi_13.dll and default bank.. and the pdf files r all empty... plz guide me thrue.... thanx..
Anonymous Feb 10 2016
Feb 10 2016
Paste the dll and the defaulft bank in your vstplugin folder, that's all... Check in your DAW manual for the correct path.
Rohit Narvekar Apr 04 2016
Apr 04 2016
Thanx alot.. I'll do that.
Surprisingly good Jan 03 2016
(5 / 5)
Jan 03 2016
Neat banks available.
AndyB Feb 11 2013
(5 / 5)
Feb 11 2013
Fun synth that has a lot of potential in the sounds that can be produced for compositions ! Thought it was great !
Bubbsmusic Feb 05 2013
(5 / 5)
Feb 05 2013
Noisy and fun