Modern Vacuumer
by Antress
3.8 / 5     (12 votes)
Modern Vacuumer is a compressor.
  • Racing style Gain Reduction meter
  • Neon style level light
  • Easy/Over compression lights
  • Gain control (Semi-Auto, 0 to 30 dB)
  • Threx control (Threshold, 0 to -60 dB)
  • Atta control (Attack time, 1.2 to 12 ms)
  • Releax control (Release time, 240 to 2400 ms)
  • Hape control (Ratio, 3:1 to 30:1)
Diogo G Nov 22 2020
(5 / 5)
Nov 22 2020
Very punchy and adds a lot of glue, this is like a edgy ssl
jim Oct 24 2019
(5 / 5)
Oct 24 2019
Great comp for vocals and drums. Punchy, adds nice distortion.
Fisherman Tobby May 13 2016
(4 / 5)
May 13 2016
Great plugin. All the Modern plugs by Antress are pretty good. This one is a really punchy compressor. I've used to correct a really weak snare drum, and it did the job really well.
newpich Mar 23 2013
(3 / 5)
Mar 23 2013
เจ๋งมาก, เจ๋ง Dec 19 2012
Dec 19 2012