by Solcito Musica
3.5 / 5     (19 votes)
FM synthesizer of the basic elements of drums.

Allows modeling bass drums, snares, side sitck and hi-hat, both acoustic and electronic.

Please support freeware development
John Jan 18 2018
(0 / 5)
Jan 18 2018
No sound when i tried it in nuendo. First drum synth I've used so far that simply hasn't worked.
Stevie Ray Dec 27 2016
(4 / 5)
Dec 27 2016
I like this... simple, easy to use... can get some deep bass with a little tweeking.
Maho Mar 29 2015
Mar 29 2015
I like this very much but please make a version with multi outputs ! THX
X0195 Oct 08 2014
(5 / 5)
Oct 08 2014
I like this!
CHON.TKT Oct 02 2013
Oct 02 2013