Simon Drums
by MaxSynths
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Simon is a drum VSTi inspired by Simmons Drums.

I'm not sure at all how close to the original units it is, anyway I'm quite satisfied with the result. The best way to take advantage of these modules is inside a modular environment like EnergyXT, anyway they can be used with any VST host.

3 Hybrid synth+sample modules are available currently:
  • Bassdrum
    The mix fader controls the mix level between the analog (synth) and digital (sample) section. Mapped on B0-C1.
  • Snare drum
    The "VAR" button switches on/off an internal LFO which introduces a slightly modulation in the analog and digital pitch parameter to create some variation in the sound to avoid the "gun machine effect". Mapped on D1-E1.

  • Hihat
    The mix knob controls the mix level between the analog (synth) and digital (sample) section. The modulation wheel controls the ANALOG pitch (listen to the audio demo). Mapped on F#1, G#1, A#1 (Closed, Pedal and Open). 

MIDI Controllers:

  • CC#07 Main Volume
  • CC#10 Pan
  • CC#01 (Mod Wheel) Analog Pitch control
yessss! May 31 2019
May 31 2019
Nice. Plus it's got cats!
Anonymous Mar 20 2018
Mar 20 2018
Why can none of the midi notes on these drum vsti be altered?
MAX Mar 11 2018
(4 / 5)
Mar 11 2018
I think that Simmons drums is well reproduced. I like it. I wanted it to be released as one drum kit.