by DSK
3.4 / 5     (5 votes)
3 Osc. analog synthesizer.
  • 3 Oscillators, ADSR.
  • Octave select and micro-detuner.
  • 3 AdvancedLFO (multiple outs).
  • Advanced Filter.
  • Effects (Space, delay, flanger).
  • Arpeggiator.
  • Midi automation.
Please support freeware development
Foxtrot Feb 01 2019
Feb 01 2019
nice ;)
Nicholas Jul 25 2015
(5 / 5)
Jul 25 2015
I love the simplicity of VST, quick way to get a synth in my tracks.
skinny204 Mar 18 2015
(5 / 5)
Mar 18 2015
I don't know why this is on the back burner. It's cool. I'm still working with it, and plan to use it with my keytar.