by Adam Szabo
4.6 / 5     (10 votes)
Win32 Win64 OSX
Phazor is a free effect plugin, which emulates the phaser effect found in the Virus synthesizers, which helped make its characteristic sound.

A lot of time was devoted to make it sound very close to the original and every control has been carefully adjusted to behave just like the phaser from the Virus. It has selectable 1 to 6 stage all-pass filters controlled by an LFO, with spread and feedback controls. The plugin is highly optimized and its CPU usage is minimal, allowing for multiple instances to be used in a project.
Motie Oct 16 2018
(4 / 5)
Oct 16 2018
For sure. Sounds great.
SyNtHeTh Dec 15 2016
(5 / 5)
Dec 15 2016
Einfache Handhabung inklusive 7 Presets. Dazu eine sehr schöne Oberfl�che, welche auch nicht übersimensioniert ist! Es sollte zwar selbstverst�ndlich sein, aber klanglich voll zufrieden, CPU-Belastung ebenfalls alles im grünen Bereich :-)
cyber_T Nov 14 2016
(5 / 5)
Nov 14 2016
My tip to simulate the sound of the legendary "Mutron- Biphase"- fx for free: Dublicate a stereo track. Turn track 1 hard left, turn track 2 hard right. After this: Insert a "Phazor"- vst on track 1 and another "Phazor"- vst on track 2. Use both "mono" (no spread) and in the "6- stage- mode", but with different rate and depth settings. So you've got a breathtaking phasing- effect, similar to the sound of several 70ies bands (or the "Smashing Pumpkins" records from the early 90ies)
Jaz Apr 25 2016
(4 / 5)
Apr 25 2016
Good for guitar !
FUSUS May 04 2015
(5 / 5)
May 04 2015